I am a male. Today I learned that my basic rights are not included in the "inclusive" international anarchist festival of this year.
I am a male. Today I learned that my basic rights are not included in the "inclusive" international anarchist festival of this year.
Some of you have already heard about the lecture I wanted to have on movement about men's rights. I believe that men are systematically oppressed by states and capitalism and their rights must be taken into account. And although I shouldn't excuse myself for the topic, I did write the obvious things up to appease the organizers - that I'm not an incel, machist or supermacist; that I include gays and transgender people in men's rights; that I recognize that women indeed face oppression and I am not an antifeminist - my focus is still just & only on men's.
Some of you have already heard about the lecture I wanted to have on movement about men's rights. I believe that men are systematically oppressed by states and capitalism and their rights must be taken into account. And although I shouldn't excuse myself for the topic, I did write the obvious things up to appease the organizers - that I'm not an incel, machist or supermacist; that I include gays and transgender people in men's rights; that I recognize that women indeed face oppression and I am not an antifeminist - my focus is still just & only on men's.

Breaking the Chains
To my surprise, the lecture was rejected. I wrote an email to the organizer team and got no answer. Then I tried to contact them directly, and received next response…
To my surprise, the lecture was rejected. I wrote an email to the organizer team and got no answer. Then I tried to contact them directly, and received next response…
We decided to reject your workshop because even if you claim “Masculism” is distinct from “Masculinism”, and that what you’d like to present is “queer-tolerant, transmen inclusive lefty masculism, not right-wing antifeminist/supremacist (often incel) masculinism”, a lot of what you wrote in your presentation seems to negate a lot of facts and domination patterns. No, (cis)men aren’t “vulnerable” as you say, they are privileged and oppress other people all over the world. Negating this is contrary to the values of the event, whose objective is to fight authoritarianism, and all systemic discriminations. (Cis)men benefit from patriarchy, they get more power, consideration and their violence is legitimized by patriarchy. But (cis)men also suffer from patriarchy, in the way they are educated to meet its expectations. This education makes them less able in having mutual relationships and dealing with emotions. On this subject, we recommend the book: The Will to Change, by Bell hooks. We hope you will enjoy the RIA and that it will nourish and change your perspectives.
anarchy 2023 St-Imier organizer group
original text without reductions or changes
We decided to reject your workshop because even if you claim “Masculism” is distinct from “Masculinism”, and that what you’d like to present is “queer-tolerant, transmen inclusive lefty masculism, not right-wing antifeminist/supremacist (often incel) masculinism”, a lot of what you wrote in your presentation seems to negate a lot of facts and domination patterns. No, (cis)men aren’t “vulnerable” as you say, they are privileged and oppress other people all over the world. Negating this is contrary to the values of the event, whose objective is to fight authoritarianism, and all systemic discriminations. (Cis)men benefit from patriarchy, they get more power, consideration and their violence is legitimized by patriarchy. But (cis)men also suffer from patriarchy, in the way they are educated to meet its expectations. This education makes them less able in having mutual relationships and dealing with emotions. On this subject, we recommend the book: The Will to Change, by Bell hooks. We hope you will enjoy the RIA and that it will nourish and change your perspectives.
anarchy 2023 St-Imier organizer group
original text without reductions or changes
Are they wrong?
Yes. You cannot say, that "(cis)men aren’t vulnerable", when 4 of every 5 killed persons were male (source: WHO). You cannot say, that "(cis)men are privileged", when in almost every country (where forced call to serve exists), men only are forced to serve in military, to kill & die during the wars just for maintaining the capitalism and the governments.
Yes. You cannot say, that "(cis)men aren’t vulnerable", when 4 of every 5 killed persons were male (source: WHO). You cannot say, that "(cis)men are privileged", when in almost every country (where forced call to serve exists), men only are forced to serve in military, to kill & die during the wars just for maintaining the capitalism and the governments.
95% of killed by police are men (USA), 75-95% committed suicide are men (nearly every country), 80% homeless are men (Russia). Majority of them, who were killed during genocides, were men (eg. Genocides of Armenians, Indians, Syrians, Rwandans, Gypsies; massacre in Bucha, Mexico, Iraqi Kurdistan and others…). You cannot say without contradiction, that the "value of the event is (...) to fight all systemic discriminations", and reject simple introducing workshop about human rights, when the men's rights theme is overall so rarely talked about.
95% of killed by police are men (USA), 75-95% committed suicide are men (nearly every country), 80% homeless are men (Russia). Majority of them, who were killed during genocides, were men (eg. Genocides of Armenians, Indians, Syrians, Rwandans, Gypsies; massacre in Bucha, Mexico, Iraqi Kurdistan and others…). You cannot say without contradiction, that the "value of the event is (...) to fight all systemic discriminations", and reject simple introducing workshop about human rights, when the men's rights theme is overall so rarely talked about.
No, I am not negotiating facts: vice versa, I am trying to base the whole workshop on the studies and trustworthy sources, as you see above. You can also notice, I am farly-farly away from right-wing crap. Please don't think, that I support conservative or patriarchal ideas — it is literally antimasculist.
No, I am not negotiating facts: vice versa, I am trying to base the whole workshop on the studies and trustworthy sources, as you see above. You can also notice, I am farly-farly away from right-wing crap. Please don't think, that I support conservative or patriarchal ideas — it is literally antimasculist.
And overall, the less problem is that "we hope that RIA will nourish and change your perspectives on men's rights, man" its just as hurtful to hear, as "we hope that this homophobic happening will nourish and change your opinions about gay rights, gay".
And overall, the less problem is that "we hope that RIA will nourish and change your perspectives on men's rights, man" its just as hurtful to hear, as "we hope that this homophobic happening will nourish and change your opinions about gay rights, gay".
The bigger problem is that as the survivor of █████ (redacted), I am now fucking afraid to even come to the RIA, knowing, that the care team and the organizers perhaps will not defend me in case, if I will experience discrimination or abuse, because of the "men are not vulnerable and cannot be discriminated under patriarchy" bullshit.
The bigger problem is that as the survivor of █████ (redacted), I am now fucking afraid to even come to the RIA, knowing, that the care team and the organizers perhaps will not defend me in case, if I will experience discrimination or abuse, because of the "men are not vulnerable and cannot be discriminated under patriarchy" bullshit.

UPDATE: Did I face discrimination after all?
Yes, unfortunately. Although the organizers really tried their best, there were moments that deserve critisism. That would be, for example, the authoritarianism of the "orga group", presumably the tolerance of the organizers to hate against muslims (there were different points of view on this one though) and the censorship of some harmless events (not mine only) with the lack of censorship of anarcho-capitalists.
Talking about my personal experience, when I told the Care Team about experiencing aggressive bullying, they straightly told me that they trust my oppressor more than me, because she is a woman and I am a cisman. That has happened perhaps because the Care Team was open for everybody to join, but one got absolutely no training to care - all the training was aroung how to contact the security team in case of danger.
It was also very frustraiting to find out, that the Care Team told about what happened to me to other people -- my friends have heard Care Team members mention my name when speaking to others and talking about me. I presume, that care team had mentioned my political views (that men are also vulnerable), because many people wrote me aggressive letters in Telegram after that.
My friends also were threatened by the organizers for just thinking that, quoting, "patriarchy can be also harmful for men", although they were, just like me, openly NOT antifeminists and by all means not supermacists. Some people have also written me after the festival, how they experienced same discrimination how I described here.
Yes, unfortunately. Although the organizers really tried their best, there were moments that deserve critisism. That would be, for example, the authoritarianism of the "orga group", presumably the tolerance of the organizers to hate against muslims (there were different points of view on this one though) and the censorship of some harmless events (not mine only) with the lack of censorship of anarcho-capitalists.
Talking about my personal experience, when I told the Care Team about experiencing aggressive bullying, they straightly told me that they trust my oppressor more than me, because she is a woman and I am a cisman. That has happened perhaps because the Care Team was open for everybody to join, but one got absolutely no training to care - all the training was aroung how to contact the security team in case of danger.
It was also very frustraiting to find out, that the Care Team told about what happened to me to other people -- my friends have heard Care Team members mention my name when speaking to others and talking about me. I presume, that care team had mentioned my political views (that men are also vulnerable), because many people wrote me aggressive letters in Telegram after that.
My friends also were threatened by the organizers for just thinking that, quoting, "patriarchy can be also harmful for men", although they were, just like me, openly NOT antifeminists and by all means not supermacists. Some people have also written me after the festival, how they experienced same discrimination how I described here.
Yes, unfortunately. Although the organizers really tried their best, there were moments that deserve critisism. That would be, for example, the authoritarianism of the "orga group", presumably the tolerance of the organizers to hate against muslims (there were different points of view on this one though) and the censorship of some harmless events (not mine only) with the lack of censorship of anarcho-capitalists.
Talking about my personal experience, when I told the Care Team about experiencing aggressive bullying, they straightly told me that they trust my oppressor more than me, because she is a woman and I am a cisman. That has happened perhaps because the Care Team was open for everybody to join, but one got absolutely no training to care - all the training was aroung how to contact the security team in case of danger.
It was also very frustraiting to find out, that the Care Team told about what happened to me to other people -- my friends have heard Care Team members mention my name when speaking to others and talking about me. I presume, that care team had mentioned my political views (that men are also vulnerable), because many people wrote me aggressive letters in Telegram after that.
My friends also were threatened by the organizers for just thinking that, quoting, "patriarchy can be also harmful for men", although they were, just like me, openly NOT antifeminists and by all means not supermacists. Some people have also written me after the festival, how they experienced same discrimination how I described here.
Yes, unfortunately. Although the organizers really tried their best, there were moments that deserve critisism. That would be, for example, the authoritarianism of the "orga group", presumably the tolerance of the organizers to hate against muslims (there were different points of view on this one though) and the censorship of some harmless events (not mine only) with the lack of censorship of anarcho-capitalists.
Talking about my personal experience, when I told the Care Team about experiencing aggressive bullying, they straightly told me that they trust my oppressor more than me, because she is a woman and I am a cisman. That has happened perhaps because the Care Team was open for everybody to join, but one got absolutely no training to care - all the training was aroung how to contact the security team in case of danger.
It was also very frustraiting to find out, that the Care Team told about what happened to me to other people -- my friends have heard Care Team members mention my name when speaking to others and talking about me. I presume, that care team had mentioned my political views (that men are also vulnerable), because many people wrote me aggressive letters in Telegram after that.
My friends also were threatened by the organizers for just thinking that, quoting, "patriarchy can be also harmful for men", although they were, just like me, openly NOT antifeminists and by all means not supermacists. Some people have also written me after the festival, how they experienced same discrimination how I described here.
That was the nutshell.
What's next?
That was the nutshell.
What's next?
That was the nutshell.
What's next?
That was the nutshell.
What's next?
Now you have three options:
Now you have three options:
Read our chat with the RIA fully
Read more data, why men's rights are (also) important
Read more data, why men's rights are (also) important
Help me/us
"I think that gender equality should apply to men as well. What should I do?"
Thank you. Your existence really cheers me up.
Write a letter to workshops@anarchy2023.org or/and info@anarchy2023.org
Write what you really think about the situation. Was the cancellation of the workshop the right thing to do? Should any other changes have place?
Leave the link to this website somewhere, share it with your friends. I am not asking this for my workshop - fuck the workshop - but for every cis and trans-men on the happening.