My actions

Organizer group actions

- My lection description (link)


Masculism is a movement that advocates for men's rights (compare: feminism). Masculists argue that men are not privileged, but, on the contrary, extremely vulnerable members of society (and some even think that men are significantly more oppressed than women). Why are only men required to kill and die in wars? Why are male suicides 3-6 times more common worldwide? Can men, too, be subjected to sexism, discrimination and rape? And, after all, why is no one talking about it?

Feminist discourse is extremely widespread and is supported by such serious organizations as the UN, the European Union and NATO. But there is still no talk of masculism. Even the Anarchy 2023 festival itself, being so pro-feminist, is nevertheless not gender-equal and inclusive for men. Masculism needs to be popularized.

Rejection without explanation -

- E-mail letter

Greetings! I am writing here to defend my lecture, because some users of the chat reacted to it with distrust. Here is my event: (link)

First, my topic has a direct connection with anarchism. Masculism and anarchism share the same goals: crush the state (eg. because in the state every man is forced to serve in the military), crush the systematic gender oppression system. I believe that any left anarchist who opposes systems of oppression (such as homophobia, racism, etc.) should at least be aware of the massive systematic oppression of men. In addition, the core of maculism itself is anarchism.

Secondly, I do not plan to lecture on an anti-feminist topic. Women are oppressed and have vulnerabilities in their rights, and it is not my purpose to dispute this. In my understanding masculism is also not a movement for cismen alone: masculism is referred to as male assigned gender (AMAB), male legal gender, male gender identity, male gender socialization, and being readable or capable of being readable as male.

After all, the Anarchy 2023 event has quite a few "purely" feminist, queer, or anti-nationalist themes, so even if my topic didn't have a direct connection to anti-authoritarianism, it would have a right to be heard.

I'm planning a few more lectures (on decentralized apps and racism), but this one is the most important, so I'm hoping to be able to do it.

Best regards

- 8 days of silence -

- I take direct contact with the organizers

The answer -

We decided to reject your workshop because even if you claim “Masculism” is distinct from “Masculinism”, and that what you’d like to present is “queer-tolerant, transmen inclusive lefty masculism, not right-wing antifeminist/supremacist (often incel) masculinism”, a lot of what you wrote in your presentation seems to negate a lot of facts and domination patterns. No, (cis)men aren’t “vulnerable” as you say, they are privileged and oppress other people all over the world. Negating this is contrary to the values of the event, whose objective is to fight authoritarianism, and all systemic discriminations.

(Cis)men benefit from patriarchy, they get more power, consideration and their violence is legitimized by patriarchy. But (cis)men also suffer from patriarchy, in the way they are educated to meet its expectations. This education makes them less able in having mutual relationships and dealing with emotions. On this subject, we recommend the book: The Will to Change, by Bell hooks. We hope you will enjoy the RIA and that it will nourish and change your perspectives.

- Answer

How can you say, that "(cis)men aren’t vulnerable",when 4 of every 5 killed persons were male? How can you say, that "(cis)men are privileged", when cismen only are forced to serve in military, to kill & die during the wars to maintain the capitalism and the governments? 95% of killed by police are men (USA), 75-95% committed suicide are men (nearly every countriy), 80% homeless are men (Russia). Majority of them, who were killed during genocides, were men. You cannot say without contradiction, that the "value of the event is (...) to fight all systemic discriminations", and do not let me even introduce the theme of men's rights (=human rights!), when it's so rarely heard.

What power does the "patriarchy" give to the men? I see, what it gives to the elite: using men as expendable material on wars, not hesitating to torture men (after a war in Ukraine OHCHR has documented 621 cases of enforced disappearances — 544 men, 71 women, 6 boys, 0 girls; 9 out of 10 in Russia experienced torture) and etc. Do you call this a privilege?

One in three victims of family violence is male — but 95% of male-victims never told anybody about the experienced crime — perhaps not because of toxic masculinity, but because officers refuse to recommend charges against the woman perpetrator of IPV over 3x as often as they did regarding charges against the man. Is this the "patriarchy", which "supports male violence"? Or do we have gender-unequal system towards women and men — also?

No, I am not negotiating facts, vice versa, I am trying to base the whole workshop on the studies and trustworthy sources, as you see above.

And overall, the less problem is that "we hope that RIA will nourish and change your perspectives on men's rights, man" its just as hurtful to hear, as "we hope that this homophobic happening will nourish and change your opinions about gay rights, gay". The bigger problem is that as the survivor of rape, I am now fucking afraid to even come to the RIA, knowing, that the care team and the organizers will never defend me in case, if I will experience discrimination or abuse, because of the "men are not vulnerable and can't be discriminated under patriarchy" bullshit.

I politely, but ardently ask to revise my opportunity to hold lection. I mention again, that it will not have any antifeminist rhetoric — I want to talk about oppressed men (if you want call it so, "under patriarchy"), not criticize women. I also do believe (and will mention that), that women are also oppressed — my point is not "forget about women, think about men" incel shit, but "let's think about gender equality, which includes men"

Answer -

As I said before, we don't want to enter more into discussion, because we don't have the time. The problem we see in your presentation is its premises. But I can assure you that we don't negate the facts you're alluding to, and that we do think (and know) that cismen can experience violence. The care team and everyone in the group will defend you or any cismen facing violence.

- Answer

What premises? That men should have basic human rights? That law should be equal to men and women?

I surely hope the care team will, 'cause I will most likely attend the event after all. But honestly, I believe that no more, than any lefty conservator, who'd say that I can't have workshop about homophobia, because "gays aren’t “vulnerable”, they are privileged", and then add after "yeah but gays can sometimes experience violence also! our care team surely will defend you!!"

sure, let's skip the discussion. i'll be back a bit later

Not enough time to discuss human rights?

Not enough time to discuss human rights?

Not enough time to discuss human rights?