Why masculism is important?

Why masculism is important?

Why masculism is important?

The widely spread myth about patriarchy among lefties implies that only women can be vulnerable, and all men are incomparably privileged in basic. But in fact, men also have many vulnerabilities.

Disclaimer: I'm still - and I'm tired of repeating this - not against women or feminism. I'm just showing that men's rights are important too.

Disclaimer: I'm still - and I'm tired of repeating this - not against women or feminism. I'm just showing that men's rights are important too.



Only men are forced to serve in the military forces. During the wars, when there is a scarcity of troops, young boys are dispatched to the frontlines even before adult women. If any other group – such as Jews or homosexuals – were mandated to sacrifice their lives for the interests of the rich, it would undoubtedly incite significant outrage.



Males commit suicide 3-6 times more frequently than females - that is 6 men a day. But perhaps the issue isn't rooted in toxic masculinity at all: nearly all (91%) middle-aged men had been in contact with at least one frontline service or agency, primarily primary care services. The problem isn't that “men fear seeking assistance” - they aren't scared, they just aren't being helped.



After a war in Ukraine OHCHR has documented 621 cases of enforced disappearances — 544 men, 71 women, 6 boys, 0 girls. 90% who was been abducted by Russia experienced torture. In Ukraine the rate was 50%. In every country where torture exists, men are subjected to it significantly more than women.



Genocides of Armenians, Indians, Syrians, Rwandans, Gypsies; massacre in Bucha, Srebrengica, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Iraqi Kurdistan and many other places — all were focused mostly or almost entirely on males. Quote of military forces from "The Rape of Bangladesh": “We only kill men; women and children are free. We are soldiers, not cowards to kill them…”

Police brutality

Police brutality

The US police are more than twice as likely to kill a black person than a white, and more than 23 times more likely to kill a man than a woman. Over 95% of killed by police were men. These horrendous figures not just speak, they scream that the selectivity of police violence is primarily a gender issue, and only then the racial one.

Gayphobia and transphobia

Gayphobia and transphobia

They don't care what gender or sex you are - as long as they decide you're a man. In Brazil during 2016-2020 were killed at least 760 transfeminine people & at least 40 transmasculine people, at least 800 gay men & at least 150 lesbians, at least 30 heterosexuals mistaken for gay men. And this is only the cases that have been traced.

Difference in average life expectancy

Difference in average life expectancy

In poorly gender-equal countries like Russia, men live on average 10 years shorter than women. No, the reason is not in biology: the difference in life expectancy in healthier countries - for example, Sweden or Norway - is 3.4 years, in the Netherlands - 3.1 years. At the same time, men retire five years later than women.



When every fifth person killed worldwide is a woman - it's femicide. When four out of five of those killed are men, it's a ban on holding a lecture about men's rights. In Brazil every 14 out of 15 killed are men.



1 in 4 homeless people are women.
…And 3 in 4 are men.
Men are 80% of homeless in Russia and 60% of homeless in USA.



Women, indeed, experience the majority of sexual violence. However, men and boys
1) Experience it too (at least 1 in 6 men have experienced abuse or assault)

2) Are raped not only by other men, but also by other women (and much more often than it seems)

3) Have have almost no crisis centers, assistance programs and other things that exist for female rape survivors.




Both women and men have own privileges and vulnerabilities. We must work towards gender equality for everyone, not deny the oppression of men out of fear that men's rights are contrary to feminism. Let's fight together, not each other.

Both women and men have own privileges and vulnerabilities. We must work towards gender equality for everyone, not deny the oppression of men out of fear that men's rights are contrary to feminism. Let's fight together, not each other.

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MrArchivist - link

An archive with a huge amount of research & news that proves the oppression of a man or the privileges of a woman. Attention! The site should be used with caution as it may sometimes contain inaccurate research and even misogynistic material.

1 in 6 - link

At least one in six men has experienced some form of sexual violence. This site leads the campaign "1in6".

Big masculist library - link

The library is dedicated to books, articles, and writings on men's rights, male discrimination, gay male oppression, male rape, and many other topics.

Masculism+ - link

Russian group dedicated to the men's rights advocacy. Sharply and uncompromisingly exposes the lies about the "male privileges" with research and scientific facts. Some questionable publications. In russian language.

Helpline centers for men

Men's universal helpline - link
For male victims of domestic abuse - link
For male victims of sexual violence - link
Russian language men's helpline - link

LGBTQIA+ helplines (all sexes and genders)

List of English helps centers - link
Russian center for trans- and nonbinary-people - link