Both women and men have own privileges and vulnerabilities. We must work towards gender equality for everyone, not deny the oppression of men out of fear that men's rights are contrary to feminism. Let's fight together, not each other.
Both women and men have own privileges and vulnerabilities. We must work towards gender equality for everyone, not deny the oppression of men out of fear that men's rights are contrary to feminism. Let's fight together, not each other.
An archive with a huge amount of research & news that proves the oppression of a man or the privileges of a woman. Attention! The site should be used with caution as it may sometimes contain inaccurate research and even misogynistic material.
At least one in six men has experienced some form of sexual violence. This site leads the campaign "1in6".
Big masculist library - link
The library is dedicated to books, articles, and writings on men's rights, male discrimination, gay male oppression, male rape, and many other topics.
Russian group dedicated to the men's rights advocacy. Sharply and uncompromisingly exposes the lies about the "male privileges" with research and scientific facts. Some questionable publications. In russian language.
Helpline centers for men
Men's universal helpline - link
For male victims of domestic abuse - link
For male victims of sexual violence - link
Russian language men's helpline - link
LGBTQIA+ helplines (all sexes and genders)
List of English helps centers - link
Russian center for trans- and nonbinary-people - link